Assessing a 401(k) Financial Goal
This calculator is a tool to allow you to estimate how to meet a goal. It is not intended for any purpose other than an assessment. Enter whole $ amounts without commas. The return rate for this calculator is set at 5% and cannot be altered. We recommend using this tool to get an understanding of how to achieve a goal and to understand how contributions and compounded interest contribute to your goal.
We recommend setting a goal at 5 years (60 months). You can then see how first year savings will accrue and then look at the plan to your actual results.
We are planning to provide a more sophisticated planning tool in the near future. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Enter Your 401(k) Financial Goal
Amount:$Enter Your Current 401(k) Funds Committed to this Goal
Amount:$ These are the funds you currently have committed for this goal Enter Your Monthly 401(k) Contribution:$
Enter Employer's' Monthly 401(k) Contribution:$
Enter the number of months to complete the Goal:
Start Value
Goal Term
One Year Goal Estimate
Projected Total Projected Contributions Projected Performance
$ $ $
Completed Goal Estimate
Projected Total Projected Contributions Projected Performance
$ $ $
Enter the number of months to complete the Goal:
Start Value
Total:$Goal Term
Months:One Year Goal Estimate
Projected Total Projected Contributions Projected Performance$ $ $
Completed Goal Estimate
Projected Total Projected Contributions Projected Performance$ $ $